In root folder of your project, run the following command in the terminal to create model and migration for `brands` database table.
php artisan make:model Brand -m
Add the following code to the up() function of the brands table migration file.
public function up()
Schema::create('brands', function (Blueprint $table) {
// column to store image path
// column to store brand name
// column to specify if brand is active or not
// columns for storing created_by, updated_by, craeted_at
// and updated_at
Run command php artisan migrate to create the "brands" database table.
Add CRUD functionality to Brand Model
Add the following code to Brand.php (model file). See comments in the following code for more information.
namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
// This trait contains CRUD related functions
use MuhammadInaamMunir\SpeedAdmin\Traits\Crud;
// This class contains Grid (datatable) related functions
use MuhammadInaamMunir\SpeedAdmin\Misc\GridHelper;
class Brand extends Model
use HasFactory, Crud; // add Crud
// Add text attribute to the model
protected $appends = ['text'];
public function getTextAttribute()
return $this->name;
// Add a constructor.
// We will initialize CRUD functionality in constructor
public function __construct()
// speed-admin will create model's (Add/Edit/Delete/List) permissions
// based on this permissionId.
// if we set permission id 'brand', then speed-admin will create following permissoins:
// (brand-add, brand-edit, brand-delete, brand-list)
// call function to add Grid columns
// call function to add Form fields
// we can customize query to show Grid(datatable)
public function getGridQuery()
return $this;
public function addGridColumns()
// we will add code of this function in next part of documentation
public function addFormFields()
// we will add code of this function in next part of documentation
Add columns for Grid (datatable):
Add following code to function addGridColumns() . In the following code, we are adding three columns to be shown in the grid (datatable).
Add the following code in the boot() function in AppServiceProvider.php to add permissions related to the brand entity.
public function boot()
// this function will add permissions
// define this function below
private function addPermissions()
$permissions = $this->app->make('speed-admin-permissions');
'Orders Management',
Visit localhost:8000/admin/roles/create and you can see the permissions:
Add BrandController
Run the following command in the terminal to create BrandController
php artisan make:controller BrandController
Update BrandController.php file as shown below:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
// base controller, it handles all CRUD functionality
use MuhammadInaamMunir\SpeedAdmin\Http\Controllers\SpeedAdminBaseController;
// Brand model
use App\Models\Brand;
class BrandController extends SpeedAdminBaseController
protected $model = Brand::class;
protected $index_url = 'admin/brands';
Add menu for brands
Add the following code in the boot() function in AppServiceProvider.php to add menu: