Everything is the same as creating CRUD for Brands except few things. We will only discuss NEW things here.
All other things (Adding controller, routes, etc are the same as explained in Brands CRUD tutorial)
Database migration for products table:
Copy php artisan make:model Product -m
Copy public function up()
Schema::create('products', function (Blueprint $table) {
Database migration for "category_product" table for many_to_many relation between products and categories
Copy php artisan make:migration create_table_category_product --create=category_product
Copy public function up()
Schema::create('category_product', function (Blueprint $table) {
Add relations in Product Model
Copy public function brand()
return $this->belongsTo(Brand::class);
public function categories()
return $this->belongsToMany(Category::class);
Add getGridQuery($request) function to product model
As shown in the image above, in the products grid (datatable) we want to show tje following columns:
We also want to make sure that we can search products by brand_name or categories names. To do this, we need to modify our query. Our getGridQuery() function will look like following.
Copy ...
public function getGridQuery($request)
$query = $this->with(['brand', 'categories'])
->leftJoin('brands', 'brands.id', '=', 'products.brand_id')
->leftJoin('category_product', 'category_product.product_id', '=', 'products.id')
->leftJoin('categories', 'categories.id', '=', 'category_product.category_id')
'brands.name as brand_name',
\DB::raw('count(categories.id) as categories_count')
return $query;
Add Grid Columns
Copy public function __construct()
public function addGridColumns()
'id' => 'image',
'title' => __('Image'),
'order_by' => 'products.image',
'render_function' => function ($product) {
return GridHelper::renderImage($product->image);
'id' => 'name',
'title' => __('Name'),
'order_by' => 'products.name',
'search_by' => 'products.name',
'render_function' => function ($product) {
$default_locale = config('speed-admin.default_model_locale');
return $product->name->{$default_locale};
'id' => 'brand',
'title' => __('Brand'),
'order_by' => 'brands.name',
'search_by' => 'brands.name',
'render_function' => function ($product) {
return $product->brand_name;
'id' => 'categories',
'title' => __('Categories'),
'search_by' => 'categories.name',
'render_function' => function ($product) {
$html = '';
foreach ($product->categories as $category) {
$html .= '<span class="badge badge-primary p-1 m-1">'.$category->name.'</span>';
return $html;
'id' => 'price',
'title' => __('Price'),
'order_by' => 'products.price',
'search_by' => 'products.price',
'render_function' => function ($product) {
return $product->price;
'id' => 'categories_count',
'title' => __('Categories Count'),
'order_by' => 'categories_count',
'render_function' => function ($product) {
return $product->categories_count;
'id' => 'is_active',
'title' => __('Active'),
'order_by' => 'products.is_active',
'render_function' => function ($product) {
return GridHelper::renderBoolean($product->is_active);
Add form fields
All fields are the same as shown in Brands CRUD tutorial except for the following two fields (see image below):
Select field for selecting Brand
Select field for selecting multiple categories
Copy public function __construct()
public function addFormFields()
'id' => 'main-row',
'type' => 'div',
'class' => 'row'
'id' => 'left-col',
'parent_id' => 'main-row',
'type' => 'div',
'class' => 'col-md-4'
'id' => 'right-col',
'parent_id' => 'main-row',
'type' => 'div',
'class' => 'col-md-8'
'id' => 'image',
'parent_id' => 'left-col',
'type' => 'image',
'label' => __('Image'),
'name' => 'image',
'upload_path' => 'products',
'validation_rules' => ['image' => 'required|image|max:2048'],
'id' => 'name',
'parent_id' => 'right-col',
'type' => 'text',
'validation_rules' => ['name' => 'required|unique:products,name,{{$id}}'],
'label' => __('Name'),
'name' => 'name'
'id' => 'price',
'parent_id' => 'right-col',
'type' => 'decimal',
'validation_rules' => ['price' => 'required|numeric'],
'label' => __('Price'),
'name' => 'price'
'id' => 'brand',
'parent_id' => 'right-col',
'type' => 'belongsTo',
'relation_name' => 'brand',
'model' => '\App\Models\Brand',
'where' => function($query){
return $query->where('is_active', 1);
'show_add_new_button' => true,
'validation_rules' => ['brand' => 'required'],
'label' => __('Brand'),
'name' => 'brand'
'id' => 'categories',
'parent_id' => 'right-col',
'type' => 'belongsToMany',
'relation_name' => 'categories',
'model' => '\App\Models\Category',
'where' => function($query){
return $query->where('is_active', 1);
'show_select_from_table_button' => true,
'show_add_new_button' => true,
'validation_rules' => ['categories' => 'required|array|min:1'],
'label' => __('Categories'),
'name' => 'categories'
'id' => 'is_active',
'parent_id' => 'right-col',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'label' => __('Active'),
'name' => 'is_active',